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Pain is an individual somatic and subjective experience associated with pathological processes. When not identified early and well-managed, it can result in negative physical and emotional experiences. In neurological patients, recognizing pain is challenging due to the absence of verbalization, motor deficits, and cognitive impairments, making its identification complex. Therefore, the use of scales is an important tool for measuring and managing pain. Additionally, the knowledge of healthcare professionals about the existence and application of these scales is necessary as a good health practice.


Objective to understand the knowledge of pediatricians in the state of Bahia from 2022 to 2023 regarding pain scales and their applicability in patients with neurological impairments.


This is a descriptive and observational study, with a questionnaire developed by the researchers and applied online. The variables considered were: age group, origin, year of graduation, place of education, existence of subspecialty, place of practice, whether they received information about pain assessment, involvement in a multidisciplinary trained team, method of pain assessment, whether the method used is the same for children with or without neurological pathologies, knowledge about the use of pain scales (Visual Scale, Verbal Numeric Scale, Behavioral Scale, McGill Inventory, FLACC, rFLACC, ICDDN), therapies addressed in the last six months, and pain reassessment after interventions.


Based on this study, it was observed that among the pediatricians surveyed, there is a lack of knowledge about recognizing pain in pediatric patients with neurological diseases, as well as a scarcity of objectivity, standardization, and application of pain scales already established and recommended in the scientific literature.


This lack of clarity and consistency in pain assessment makes managing this condition complex due to its subjective nature, resulting in significant difficulties in providing adequate care and effectively resolving pain, which can lead to inadequate assistance with negative repercussions for the patient.


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Palavras Chave

Pain; neurological impairments; rFLACC


